the coaching proccess of making who you truly are real.

Imagine if...


- you had a manageable routine you enjoyed that left you feeling accomplished every day

- you had a handy tool kit of apps and tricks that allowed you to work smarter

- you had a clear plan of action and knew what to focus on when


Yo! I’m Leslie.

I’m a graphic designer turned lifestyle coach. I help women find clarity and take realistic action on their personal goals.

Does this sound like what you’ve been looking for?

My one-on-one coaching programme is here for the save.


Think about your life…


as a closet that needs to be organised. Through one-on-one sessions, I will unpack that closet with you. We will go through its contents, toss what needs tossing, sort, and re-prioritize. We will build a toolkit to help you continue to live an organised life. I will give you support and encouragement all along the way. ⁣⁠

It’s going to get messy before it gets pretty. But trust me, it’s worth it.


Feeling stuck?


Overwhelmed? No clue what to do to help yourself? Been there…

It’s really easy to “save it for tomorrow” when you have no idea where to start. Then, before you know it, you look up and 6 months of “tomorrows” have gone by.

This is where perspective comes in. Sometimes the answer is staring you right in the face and all it takes is for someone to be like “what if you _____?”

I know what it’s like to get overwhelmed. I know what it’s like to feel stuck. I’m here to share what has worked for me.

have any questions?


What does “reithos” mean?

It’s a word I created from 2 words

Reify - to make something abstract more real or concrete

Ethos - the characteristic spirit of a person as manifested in their aspirations

Reify + Ethos = Reithos

Reithos: the process of making who you truly are real


Welcome to my rainbow…


This is — the programme

This is — the coach